I have officially been a terrible blogger. A non-existent blogger. How inconsiderate to disappear for a REALLY LONG TIME without any explanation! I do apologize. And really, I feel like I can explain myself - but I'm still not very pleased with my performance (in most things) as of late.
Excuses, Excuses, Excuses:
After the marathon in October, I was taking it easy as far as training goes. I was frustrated with some Plantar Fasciitis issues that had been bothering me for a long time. I took a break from real training and focused on enjoying my fitness - rather than feeling obligated to stick to a regimented schedule.
Then came January and I wasn't...um...feeling quite like myself. I put my detective skills to work and realized that my symptoms all pointed to one very specific thing: PREGNANT! Ahhhhhhhh! Holy shit. I mean that in the best way I can - like - "oh my God - that's amazing, but oh my god, there is a baby alien in me. WHAT?!!!!!! Who allowed this? Check again. Does eating garlic or too many gummy bears cause a false positive???"
In all honesty, we were both extremely excited right from the beginning. We didn't tell anyone though - and that started the beginning of my silence on the internet. I think my mind was so consumed with the news that I just could not focus on the other things in my life that usually get my attention.
You're Tired As Hell? You Have NO Idea:
One thing they do not tell you as a young girl is that when you are growing your own human person, you will be tired in a way that a normal non-pregnant person cannot relate to. Those little people are LIFE SUCKERS for the first trimester. Literally. Sucking every ounce of energy - but I get it - they are busy growing arms, legs, and brains. Hard work! But oh. my. god.
I pride myself on being a really energetic, motivated and busy person. I always have a million things going on and I usually achieve them with relative ease - work, coaching, training, cooking, gardening, blogging, PaperMichelle and still maintaining a totally normal social life. I simply could not do those things for the first 12 weeks or so. I would sleep like ten hours a night, if not more - and SIT ON THE COUCH the second I got home from work - completely zapped of anything resembling motivation. It was torture. I was not in a great place mentally - crabby and annoyed with myself for being so lazy, but too tired to do a thing about it. I did workout when I could get the energy to put on a dvd and some sweatpants - but it was ugly. Frumpy, heavy and slow. I felt like I was turning into a lethargic monster, doomed to a life of zombie-like sluggishness and naps.
I also had no interest in talking to anyone that was able to train, to blog, to make healthy food and live the awesome, active life that I was used to. Look at you and your perky self in your tiny little workout gear - looking so refreshed and happy? PUKE. It just made me more depressed and so, I avoided everything on the internet (blog, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, all of it.) I didn't even want to read RW! *gasp* I am fairly confident in saying that I didn't do laundry for that entire time - and lived in a Milwaukee sweatshirt, running shorts and knee-high wool socks. So sexy.
What other fun symptoms did I have? Nausea and one vomit-y morning. Food aversions. The smell of beer was the worst thing I could think of for a while - blasphemy! Headaches. Did I mention being tired and crabby? Oh, the rage.
This Too Shall Pass:
As they say, all things come to an end - and so did that first trimester! Good riddance, dude. You suck. And from what I hear, I had a really easy time compared to what others go through. (I hope I haven't offended any mommas out there that had an actual hard time. I'm just whining. I can't imagine puking that whole time, too! I would only have one kid. Seriously.)
But that first trimester is long gone (I'm 17 weeks!) and I feel really great. I don't hate people anymore (thank God.) I have been working out every day. I sleep like a normal person. Aside from this tiny, itty-bitty, barely-there bump - I would forget that I have a tiny person hanging out in my belly. I'm like a normal person...a sober and normal person. Yay!
17 weeks, 1 day - little bump! |
Training and Boston:
The short version is that, yes, I am still running Boston in two weeks! Am I prepared for it? Not really. I am prepared enough to complete the distance without injuring myself, but my training was nowhere near where it should have been for apparent reasons. And you know what? I don't really care. I am going to run slowly, carefully - and if anything feels weird AT ALL, I will stop. My doc says that it isn't an issue to run the race, because I am a trained runner and I can do whatever my body is used to. So, this is one of those times when common sense will be my guide. I can't believe the race is so soon, though. With all the distractions lately, I feel like it snuck up on me. I am really excited to go back to Boston and see how everyone rallies. I am expecting an epic celebration...and we wouldn't miss it.
After I return from Boston, my plan is to keep running until I can't anymore. I'm hoping to make it well into the summer - it will be slow and sweaty, but who cares? So far, I have only gained one pound and I'd like to stay as "in shape" as is healthy for both me and the kid.
Blogging From Now On:
My intentions are to return to the blogging world now that I am feeling better. I can't guarantee that it will always be super regular, because like everyone, I've got a lot going on - but I will do my best. I miss blogging and all of you that I only "know" through our connections on the 'net. I also like having an outlet to share my little weekly updates (belly bump, fit mama recipes, cute baby things I found, training updates, etc.) I am truly excited about all of the changes coming my way, and I love getting to share it! :)
Any advice from you 'been there, done that' fit mamas? I know nothing.